

Flow of medical tourism

Types of treatments and flow of general health checkup, complete medical checkup, and treatments

Treatment: From inquiry to visit
* Varying depending on the medical institution

Inquiry from the patient
The person in charge of inquiries and an international medical coordination operator contact the patient.

Hearing of details of the inquiry and prior information

The patient conveys his/her identification information, treatment history, and details of the inquiry.
* The expenses are also confirmed if presented.

Judgment of acceptance or rejection
Reporting of the judgment result

Contracting procedure

The patient, medical institution, and international medical coordination operator enter into a contract agreement.

Going through the formalities for travel
Visa application process:
The patient asks the medical institution/international medical coordination operator to send a "Certificate from the medical institution about the planned medical services and references from a guarantor," which are required for patients to apply for the visa for medical stay.
Payment of medical fee
Visit to Japan

When an international medical coordination operator is involved,
the international medical coordination operator arranges the accommodation, supports the patient during the stay, and contacts the medical institution on behalf of the patient.

Example of the standard testing and treatment flow
* Varying depending on the medical institution

Interview and diagnosis
Selection of the therapy
Stipulating examinations and plan for therapeutic strategy

Undergoing general health checkup and complete medical checkup and their results
* Varying depending on the medical institution

Inquiry and application for appointment
The person in charge of inquiries and an international medical coordination operator will contact the patient and adjust the schedule.
Confirmation of appointment and procedure of contract agreement
Payment of medical fee
Going through the formalities for travel

Visa application process

Visit to Japan
Undergoing general health checkup, Complete medical checkup
Complete medical checkup: General examination flow
  • Interview and diagnosis
  • Blood collection, urinalysis, blood pressure test, etc.
  • X-ray examination, endoscopy, etc.

Other options
- Medical checkup of the brain - PET examination - Cardiac checkup - Gastric cancer screening, etc.

Explanation of diagnosis results (The translated medical certificate and other necessary documents are sent.)

Reference: "Service Operation Manual of International Medical Coordinators, Ver. 2.0," Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
"Guidance for Hospitals on Accepting Foreign Patients" (FY2014), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry



Official social media account of medical tourism in Aichi